Green On Brown

Identify weeds and all kinds of vegetation on fallow land. With the unique combination of hyperspectral and RGB all living vegetation will be detected.

Green On Green TM

Detect weeds in your crop, specifying them, locating them, treating them, and giving their density. Spray targeted weeds and modulate the intervention according to the need of an optimal application.

All conditions are important for the algorithm. The self-learning algorithm will adapt to your conditions. This is a continuous development process.

Nitrogen Fertilization*

Estimate cropdensity and whether it is a crop or not. Based on the cropdensity you can variable apply on the go based on the needs of the crop.

Fungicide modulation*

Know where you want to put your insurance on the crop. Based on cropdensity fungicide treatment can be applied on the go completely variable between given low and high set points.

Dual rate spraying

Broadacre spraying for low dose and at the same time with the same nozzle high dose where a detection is done. The nozzle controller enables low doses (20%) and high doses (100%). Examples of use are volunteer weeds at low dose and bigger weeds at high dose. One tank and one sprayline gives 2 possible applications.

The spray system can handle multiple spraylines and tanks on request.

Cloud your findings*

With your system you can map several layers of data in the cloud. The following layers are made by the algorithm:

As Applied
Crop density

A selection of „data“ layers can be stored in the cloud. This data can give valuable insights and be used for future applications.

Application map* + spot spraying

You can use an application map in combination with any of the realtime detections. Examples are yield potential maps, height maps, risks maps, water retention maps, as applied maps to retarget, etc.

* Not available for commercial use yet / not released yet

The solution for your farm


arable farming


fruit growing


vegetable growing







Deep Learning



At the heart of the beeleap solution is the Artificial Intelligence core based on Deep Learning. Its patented technology allows it to learn (weeds, diseases, stress…) with a reduced training set. Learning capacity is enhanced to build the necessary knowledge base.





Any Rate

Dual Rate

Rate Modulation


Every sprayer

All brands






Deep Learning

At the heart of the beeleap solution is the Artificial Intelligence core based on Deep Learning. Its patented technology allows it to learn (weeds, diseases, stress…) with a reduced training set. Learning capacity is enhanced to build the necessary knowledge base.



Any Rate

Dual Rate

Rate Modulation




Every sprayer

All brands

User cases

Jacob van den Borne

Company: Van den Borne Farm
Location: Netherlands & Belgium


“From skepticism to sustainability, Beeleap’s technology has empowered me to transform my farming practices and become a beacon of inspiration for farmers worldwide. Today, with the technology of Beeleap, I can monitor my crops on a plant level and treat the plants according to their needs. That is how I contribute to a sustainable world and a better future for my children.”

Arno Matthijssen

Company: MACON
Location: The Netherlands


“The greatest advantage of the BeeLeap system is that there is no need to spray in areas where it’s unnecessary. And where spraying is necessary, it’s done in customized doses. This means that crops are not hindered in their growth, while weeds are better addressed than ever before.”